

Subjects Addressed: (1) “It is too late in the day to feed with milk.” 1MR. 33.4 (2) Abomination of Desolation defined. (3) Papacy standing in the Holy place defined. (4) Rome gives Armies to Papacy to deal with Vandals - "Ships of Chittim." (5) Nations will appropriate arms to Papacy today to deal with "terrorists." (6) Spirit of Prophecy states Daniel 11:30-31 will be repeated. (7) Time for evangelism before it is too late. (8) The Idolatrous standards of Rome in our Churches. (9) SDA pastors reject the Sabbath and the Pillars of our Faith. (10) SDA new logo/banner is a symbol of great apostasy and paganism. (11) Time to flee to the mountains-the secret place of communion. (12) Learn to turn failures into victories in order to be victorious at the final test. Website:
Duration:1 hr 33 mins
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